'The Candy Kitchen' © written by Bobby Fischer, Wilton Native and long-time Nashville songwriter.


In December of 2023, Susan Norton shared with me that her uncle Bobby Fisher wanted to visit with me. I was excited for the opportunity to get to know him and learn more about his life and career. I took down his contact information and placed the note on my desk. I was looking forward to visiting with him, but time got away with the holidays fast approaching and then the New Year.  I never did get around to calling him. So, one day not long after the new year, my cell phone rang. I looked at the number which I did not recognize but under it read, Nashville, Tenn. I almost didn’t answer thinking it was a spam call but thankfully I did. I said, “Hello?” and the voice on the other end said, “Bobby Fischer here.” Well as they say, the rest is history.

From that time on Bobby and I began visiting and corresponding at least once or twice a week. I was thrilled to get to know him and learn more about someone who I had heard about all my life. During our visits, he shared many memories. Whether it was a story from his youth growing up in Wilton or recollecting the background to a particular song he had written, we discussed it.

What a joy it has been getting to know him and hear through his stories the great satisfaction he has achieved during his six-decade long career as a songwriter in Nashville. All this said, I believe it is his tie to Wilton which has been like a beacon to his entire life and career. In keeping with this tie, he suggested to me during one conversation that he should write a song about the Candy Kitchen, a place he frequented many times in his youth. I agreed it was a good idea and so he wrote one.

What an honor to have a song written for us by the one and only Bobby Fisher. Thanks Bobby!

We hope you enjoy listening to The Candy Kitchen © written and performed by Bobby Fischer.

Click her to learn more about Bobby Fischer… https://bobbyfischersongwriter.com/bio